MAME Software List ROMs Set Creation

From Retro Arcade Guides

Step-by-step guide to create a full MAME Software List ROMs set using clrmamepro in batch mode.

This guide will help you to create a clean set of ROMs and ensure you join the latest MAME Software List ROMs torrent with the highest percentage possible!

→ Create a new directory and copy your current MAME Software List ROMs (non-merged) content to it.

;; note: depending on the available torrent, (non-merged) could also be (split) or (merged)
;; note: make sure you first stop sharing the files involved in your torrent client to prevent file corruption.

Download _ReadMe_.txt attached at the bottom of the MAME announcement post.
Download Torrentzip and extract the archive.
→ URL:

Download Torrentzip.NET and extract the archive.
→ URL:
Download the latest version of clrmamepro and extract the archive.
→ URL:

→ Start cmpro.exe
Dialog: cmpro/cmpro64
→ Press: OK

Dialog: >Profiler<

→ Press: Add Datfile...

→ Select one of the datfiles and then press CTRL+A to select them all

→ Press: open

Dialog: "Where would you want to put the dat(s)?

;; note: [PROFILES] should be showing and highlighted

→ Press: OK

Dialog: >Profiler<

→ Select one of the Profiles showing and then press CTRL+A to select them all

→ Press: "Load / Update" or the Enter/Return key on your keyboard

Dialog: Profile Batchrun (### profiles selected) Properties

;; note: it's important to know that if you press the OK button, it will start the batch run!

;; note: The dialog shows the Scanner (tab)


→ check/enable "Enable all fix options"

;; note: If you only want to check your set without making any changes, choose "Disable all fix options"

→ check/enable "Don't show statistics"

→ check/enable the preferred merge option: "Per-profile merge options", "Non-Merged" or "Merged"

;; note: the option "Per-profile merge options" is used to create a split set

→ check/enable "Don't ask before fixing"

→ check/enable "Only show progress window"

→ check/enable "always save fixdatfile"

→ check/enable "always delete fixdatfile (if empty)"

→ press: Rebuilder (tab)


→ check/enable "No rebuilder run"

→ check/enable "Keep rebuilt source files"

→ check/enable "Scan subfolders"

→ check/enable the preferred merge option: "Per-profile merge options", "Non-Merged" or "Merged"

;; note: the option "Per-profile merge options" is used to create a split set

→ check/enable "Use source folder"

→ press the "Browse for a rebuilder source" button (top one with the 3 dots)

Dialog: Browser for a folder

→ Select the parent folder that contains the source files you want to use to rebuild your set

→ press: OK

→ check/enable "Don't show statistics"

Dialog: Profile Batchrun (### profiles selected) Properties

→ press: Misc (tab)


→ In section "For default naming use:" check/enable: "datfile File"

→ In section "For rompath naming use:" check/enable: "datfile File"

→ press the "Browse for a ROMpath rootfolder" button (with the 3 dots)

Dialog: Browser for a folder

→ Select the ROMs folder you've created at the preparation step

→ press: OK

→ Change "Pause between profiles" to: 0 seconds

Dialog: Profile Batchrun (### profiles selected) Properties

→ press: OK to start the batch run

;; note: your ROMs set will now be scanned/fixed only

Dialog: >Profiler<

→ press the "Missing ROMs" tab to sort the profile list on missing ROMs

;; note: if only a single profile is shown red, go down to the section "Load a single profile"

→ select all the profiles that are shown red

→ Press: "Load / Update" or the Enter/Return key on your keyboard

Dialog: Profile Batchrun (### profiles selected) Properties


→ check/enable "Run rebuild before scan "

→ press: OK to start the batch run
;; note: ROMs for the selected profiles will now be rebuilt and scanned

Dialog: >Profiler<

;; note: if at this point ROMs are still missing, add the missing ROMs to the rebuild source and repeat the rebuild process

Load a single profile

Dialog: Dialog: >Profiler<

→ select a single profile and press: "Load / Update"

Dialog: >clrmamepro<

→ Press: Scanner

→ Press: Scan...

;; note: by doing this scan, you can visually check what's missing

Dialog: Statistics

→ Press: OK

Dialog: Scanner

→ Press: the small round white button in the very bottom-right corner*

  • a tool tip shows "Jump To Rebuilder."

Dialog: Rebuilder

→ In section "Merge Options": If available, check/enable the preferred Merge Option: "Non-Merged" "Split" or "Merged"

→ In section "Options": uncheck/disable "Recompress Files"

→ In section "Source": Press the button and select the folder that contains the source ROMs to rebuild from

;; note: Section "Destination" should already have the correct path to the ROM set you have loaded

→ Press: Rebuild...

;; note: If ROMs are still missing try rebuilding from backup by pressing the "Use backupPath" button, followed by "Rebuild..."

;; note you can now choose to use the command line verion of Torrentzip or the GUI version Torrentzip.NET.

→ Open a Windows File Manager (Explorer)
→ Drag and Drop your new roms folder on the trrntzip.exe or trrntzip64.exe binary.
Torrentzip will start adding archives in a command window.
Torrentzip will skip the archives that are already Torrentzip'ed.
The window will close when the process is finished.

→ Start TrrntZipUI.exe
→ Input: ZIP & 7z
→ Output: ZIP
→ Fix: checked/enabled
→ Drag and Drop your new roms folder into the square in the upper left corner of the program
Torrentzip.NET will start processing the archives.
Torrentzip.NET will skip archives that are already Torrentzip'ed.

→ Copy the Pleasuredome "_ReadMe_.txt" into the root of your new ROMs folder.

Join/Seed the torrent:
Your new "MAME Software List ROMs (non-merged)" set is now ready to join/seed the new torrent.
→ download the new "MAME Software List ROMs (non-merged)" .torrent file from the tracker

;; note: depending on the available torrent, (non-merged) could also be (split) or (merged)
→ load it in qBittorrent (recommended)

qBittorrent (recommended):

Dialog: Save at

→ Browse...: Select the parent folder where your new roms folder is located

→ Check: Skip hash check

If you don't have 0 Roms missing, don't Skip hash checking

→ Press: OK
If you have 0 Roms missing, it should immediately start seeding at 100% and show as seeder on the tracker

;; note: See also this qBittorrent forum post: How to join/seed a (partial) torrent

Dialog: roms - Add New Torrent
→ Save as: Select your new roms folder
→ Check: Skip hash check
If you don't have 0 Roms missing, don't Skip hash checking
→ Press: OK
If you have 0 Roms missing, it should immediately start seeding at 100% and show as seeder on the tracker