Impulse Control

From Retro Arcade Guides

No, this topic isn't about a rare, unreleased Konami video game. It is about impulse control. We all are guilty (me too) of getting excited, enthusiastic and at times greedy. Please remember that while the community understands that we do request that you exhibit impulse control.

Some examples:

Seeing the entire collection of the game system you wanted and downloading it N-O-W. Except, maybe you can't because you are brand new or your ratio isn't high enough. Just don't do it. Don't even ask for it now. Exhibit impulse control and play by the community rules (they have worked for thousands of people over a decade) and download and share what you can till you build up your ratio or see if they are free during the 12 Days of Pleasuredome.

Asking where the latest release is after it has been posted that it will be announced. Control your impulse to get the latest game and just don't post it. Rest assured that the admins know and want to know the date and time just as much as you but rushing things just isn't polite. In fact it is annoying after the hundredth time. The admins spend hours if not days prepping releases with the community and would like at least a little respect if not appreciation. Respect can be shown by reading the posts, FAQs, Wiki and listening.

After you have been told by an admin a certain decision has been made, respect it. It doesn't matter if your suggestion was better or not, respect his or her decision. They are already doing a hundred things each month and your suggestion may not be worth changing their monthly routine which has worked very well for over a decade. They are getting paid as much as you are for their work in the hobby. Less in fact, if you include sweat equity in prepping everything for people to download. If something surfaces that is really glaring, they will change it. In the PD forums, when posting a comment about somebody who had a problem or caused a problem for him or herself, instead of saying how wrong they are how about saying nothing. Offer helpful suggestions and leave it at that. Put yourself in their shoes. You didn't start off as an expert and most likely neither did they. If you are the type of person who likes to tell a person off and try to correct them do it with the same respect that you want back. Otherwise you better be ready for somebody who is more articulate than you to tell you what they are thinking and you may not like it. Let's all strive for being civil :).

Remember that all of us are here for the love of the hobby and it is an international community bound together by friendship, games and electricity.
