Free Torrents

From Retro Arcade Guides

Free is not free

Pleasuredome free torrents

What are they and why?

  • Originated by Pleasuredome primarily to assist new members in building official ratio. Download of free torrents is not included in your ratio. But your upload does count.
  • To assist members with limited resources like slow bandwidth and monthly data caps.
  • To allow easy entry to our community.
  • To pay back to our community.
  • Here in Pleasuredome the MAME torrents are always set to [FREE]. Sometimes, to help seed a new torrent or for special events (12 Days of Pleasuredome), we set other torrents as [FREE] temporarily.

They are not:

  • An excuse to hit and run. To maintain good member status, over time, you are expected to seed back to 1:1.
  • You must still maintain good SAC times.
  • An excuse to never have a good overall ratio (including free torrents' download). We do shitlist members who abuse free torrents over time.
  • If everybody just downloaded, then immediately stopped seeding, we would have zero seeders in a few hours and no site. Nobody wants that.

Questions and answers

  1. "I just joined Pleasuredome and downloaded the [FREE] MAME CHDs set Version xxxxx. But nobody is leeching. I am going to stop seeding."
    There are new MAME releases the last Wednesday of every month. You may have joined late in the MAME release cycle and that means the torrent is well-seeded and not a lot of leechers. Please keep seeding anyway because other new members join late in the cycle and you may get some ratio building from that.
    As soon as the next release comes out for your torrent (in this case MAME CHDS set version xxxxx+1) try to jump on early. When you load the torrent, don't start it immediately. Pause it and point to your old folder (or copy the contents to a new one) and do a recheck. You should have a high percentage of completion since you are just coming in off of the previous release and when you join it won't take a lot to get you to 100% Seed back till you are 1:1 or greater.
    ***You should only have to do this once if you update regularly every month. If you only like to update once a year, just be patient when you upload and think about sticking around another MAME release cycle if you haven't seeded back 1:1***
  2. "I am too busy and have a life to keep track of this stuff and get the new releases when I remember."
    That is fine but expect to hit the shitlist at some point if you are downloading a lot and not seeding it back - even if it is free.
    Set yourself a reminder in your calendar software or make a note to try to remember that the new MAME releases are the last Wednesday of the month.
  3. "The torrents are [FREE] so I don't need to fix my ports if I get a 'YOU ARE NOT CONNECTED TO THE TRACKER' message."
    Even if you see some people leeching, if you get the message you need to fix it because you will be sharing a lot more once your connection has been fixed. It is also expected of you as posted in our best practices.

Pleasuredome is free

We do not and will never accept monetary donations in any way. We will not tolerate any attempt to make money from our community. Or to solicit our membership in any way.

We exist as a community of gaming enthusiasts. We each donate bandwidth to support the community.